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SmartyStreets Address Verification API Integration In Php

SmartyStreets Address Verification API Integration In Php
verify addresses using smartystreets api   Sometimes the best way to learn a new API is to hit the ground running. Or, as Tony Stark says, “Sometimes you have to run before you can walk.” In accordance, here are some resources to help you fly (like Ironman does).   function Address_Verification($add1=null,$add2=null,$add3=null)   {       // Customize this (get ID/token values in your SmartyStreets account)       $authId = urlencode(“AUTH_ID_HERE”);       $authToken = urlencode(“AUTH_TOKEN_HERE”);       // Address input       $input1 = urlencode($add1);  // home address       $input2 = urlencode($add2);  // city and state here   ...

Sending Email Using Cakephp via SMPT 2

Sending Email Using Cakephp via SMPT
CakeEmail class CakeEmail(mixed $config = null) CakeEmail is a new class to send email. With this class you can send email from any place of your application. In addition to using the EmailComponent from your controller, you can also send mail from Shells, and Models. This class replaces the EmailComponent and gives more flexibility in sending emails. For example, ...

Validate Form Using Model Without Table In Cakephp 2

Validate Form Using Model Without Table In Cakephp
Validate Form Using Model Without Table In Cakephp (eg- Contact Us form )   Form Validation is an essential task in any online application, its also an incredibly dull, tedious and repetitive task but with CakePHP you can cut down the time and effort you spend validating your form data. In a standard PHP application ...

Encrypt Credit Card Data for Storage in a Database Using PHP

Encrypt Credit Card Data for Storage in a Database Using PHP
One of the issues with working in the software-as-a-service industry is that credit card numbers often have to be stored locally in a database. Keeping it on file with your payment gateway alone has a few limitations. The business folks may request storage for various reasons such as: Recurring subscriptions (often with variable amounts). Customers ...

Get latitude and longitude based on location name google maps api

Get latitude and longitude based on location name google maps api
how to get Latitude and Longitude in Google Maps using PHP   The idea is simple. Make a request to Google Maps server, and it will return an XML (or JSON). Then, parse the XML to get the Lat and Lon. function Get_Lat_lng($address=null)   {   if(!emptyempty($address)){   $prepAddr = str_replace(‘ ‘,‘+’,$address);   $geocode=file_get_contents(‘’.$prepAddr.‘&sensor=false’);   $output= json_decode($geocode, true);   if($output[‘status’] ==‘OK’)   {   $lat = $output[‘results’][0][‘geometry’][‘location’][‘lat’];   $lng = $output[‘results’][0][‘geometry’][‘location’][‘lng’];   $map_code=array(‘status’=>‘ok’,‘lat’=>$lat,‘lng’=>$lng);   return $map_code;   }   else{   ...

The perfect PHP clean url generator 23

The perfect PHP clean url generator
THE PERFECT PHP CLEAN URL GENERATOR In my hunt for the perfect clean url (smart url, slug, permalink, whatever) generator I’ve always slipped in some exception or bug that made the function a piece of junk. But I recently found an easy solution I hope I could call “definitive”. Clean url generators are crucial for ...

How to Add Speech Recognition to your Website

How to Add Speech Recognition to your Website
How to Add Speech Recognition to your Website (only Google Chrome support) Your website pages probably contain a few text fields that require user input. For instance, your site may have a search box where people type in search queries, a comment form (commonly found in blogs) while some sites have a contact form that visitors can ...

paypal component for cakephp 2

paypal component for cakephp
paypal component for cakephp Hello Friend  many time you use paypal payment using in html (form and its hidden field etc.) But in CakePHP nothing to do . No need to create from . so how to do it .. just follow simple step 1. save this component  in app->controller -> component  floder Download paypal ...

Editing .ctp Files in Dreamwaver and Eclipse

Editing .ctp Files in Dreamwaver and Eclipse
Editing .ctp Files in Dreamwaver In Dreamweaver, by default,we can’t edit our codes in .ctp script in the code or design views. Using Dreamweaver configuration, we can set it up. Here we will see the proper configuration for 1.Viewing   CTP and THTML files in code view with PHP syntax coloring 2.Viewing  CTP and THTML files in ...

Post on facebook page with the facebook php SDK

Post on facebook page with the facebook php SDK
Post on facebook page with the facebook php SDK I hope you have a facebook page and a App 🙂 Many time we need to auto post in facebook page wall when we post new article , post , image , video anything in our web site. So how to do this …. lets start ...