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Prevent uploads nude or adult images using php

Prevent uploads nude or adult images using php
  Image Nudity Filter can be used to determine whether an image may contain nudity. It analyses the colors used in different sections of an image to determine whether those colors match the human skin color tones. As result of the analysis it returns a score value that reflects the probability of the image to ...

How to debug SQL queries from a controller in cakePHP

How to debug SQL queries from a controller in cakePHP
  Debug SQL queries from a controller in cakePHP Getting last query on CakePHP when you need to exit in the middle of the action is pretty annoying. You would usually do a function where the dataSource would be instantiated and then you would access the queryLog. $log = $this->Model_name->getDataSource()->getLog(false, false); debug($log);

Beyond caching: Google engineers reveal secrets to faster websites

Beyond caching: Google engineers reveal secrets to faster websites
In the fiercely competitive world of Internet services, Google constantly seeks ways to speed up the delivery of content to its hundreds of millions of users. At the O’Reilly Velocity conference this week in New York, two Google engineers presented some of their favorite tips and research for expediting delivery of web pages and applications. Such ...

Currency Conversion Using Google Calculator API

Currency Conversion Using Google Calculator API
  Google is a magical search engine. Google also provides many APIs to be incorporated in your application. Today, we will use Google’s hidden currency conversion API. Why hidden? Because there is no official documentation for it. We will build a currency converter from scratch, it pulls data from Google and display the results using ...

Create xml file in php dynamically

Create xml file in php dynamically
What are Sitemaps? : Sitemaps are an easy way for webmasters to inform search engines about pages on their sites that are available for crawling. In its simplest form, a Sitemap is an XML file that lists URLs for a site along with additional metadata about each URL (when it was last updated, how ...

Get Days difference between two dates in today, yesterday 2 days ago, in 3 days etc in PHP

Get Days difference between two dates in today, yesterday 2 days ago, in 3 days etc in PHP
Get Days difference between two dates ! Examples of what the function can return; Today Yesterday Tomorrow In 2 days In 6 days 5 days ago Thursday 18 January Tuesday 19 January 2013   <?php       $my_timestamp = “2013-09-01 11:22:47”;   echo relative_date(strtotime($my_timestamp ));      function relative_date($time)   {       $today = strtotime(date(‘M j, Y’));       $reldays = ($time – $today)/86400;       if ($reldays >= 0 && $reldays < 1)       {           return ‘Today’;          } else if ($reldays >= 1 && $reldays < 2) {              return ‘Tomorrow’;          } else if ($reldays >= -1 && $reldays < 0) {              return ‘Yesterday’;       }   ...

Get country name using IP address in php

Get country name using IP address in php
Geo IP Lookup API The Geo IP Lookup API provides a variety of lookup methods. Below we will outline the different ways to get data from the Geo IP Lookup tool along with code samples of each: HTML The simplest way to get data from the API. There are 4 types of HTML output: countrycode, country, locale, and full. ...

How to Process Credit Cards with PayPal Payments Pro Using PHP

How to Process Credit Cards with PayPal Payments Pro Using PHP
What is paypal pro? Paypal pro is the Direct Credit Card processing API that allows you to checkout with credit card payments via PayPal directly on your site. The customer enters their credit card details on your site, never has to leave your site and PayPal handles the payment. Direct Payment API Introduction (By Paypal) ...

Check If The Request Came From Mobile Or Computer In PHP 1

Check If The Request Came From Mobile Or Computer In PHP
*In today’s world it is important to make your website accessible to all of your users. Although many people still access your website though their computer, a huge amount of people are also accessing your website from their phones and tablets. When you are programming your website it is important to keep these types of ...

Calculate Distance by Latitude and Longitude using PHP and Javascript

Calculate Distance by Latitude and Longitude using PHP and Javascript
Geo-location is becoming more and more popular as time passes and technology supports it better more so as there is plenty of free resources to help you get the data you need to be more GEO centric with your users. However sometimes you want to give a range from point A to point B and ...